Donn, I hope that you post an extended piece on what you just wrote here. First, thank you so much. You get it. The disbelief from others doesn't compare with the disbelief at your own self that you did something you would never do, until you do it. Second, um, boy can you write. This, just for starters: "We should be tough on ourselves, call it what it is, deception and betrayal, a sin of enormous magnitude, but the Greek chorus recoiling in mortal horror, condemning us for eternity and laying the blame for the fall of Thebes at our feet: I can match them gaze for gaze, for judgmentalism is a sin as well, and in "Unfaithful" I did not judge the Diane Lane character, nor do I judge in life .......... I only ask that we express ourselves with the deepest of truths, that writers tell their tale authentically and hold the mirror to their face and tell us what they see:..." Thank you, again. I look forward to reading more of your writing.